Theatre organisations and art info centres
Drama Agencies
Agency North
Nordic Drama Corner
Theatre organisations
The Association of Finnish Theatres
The Association of Finnish Theatres is an interest and employer organisation of Finnish professional theatres.
The Finnish Theatre Centre
The Finnish Theatre Centre’s key purpose is to facilitate the work of professional theatre companies and to raise their profile in Finland. The Centre works as a cooperation forum for its member theatres and represents their interests by taking actively part in the Finnish cultural–political discussion.
Finnish ASSITEJ Centre
International association of theatre for children and young people
Suomen UNIMA ry – UNIMA Finland
Union Internationale de la Marionnette
Finnish Centre of AITA/IATA
International Amateur Theatre Association
FIDEA – The Finnish Drama/Theatre Education Association
Finnish Actors' Union
Through the membership of Finnish Actors´ Union, the actors are as well members of the International Federation of Actors (FIA).
Theatre directors and dramaturges
The Union of Finnish Theatre Directors is a member union of The Theatre and Media Employees in Finland.
Scenographers and costume designers
The Union of the Finnish Scenographers and Costume Designers is a member union of The Theatre and Media Employees in Finland.
Light and sound designers
The Union of Finnish Lighting and Sound Designers is a member union of The Theatre and Media Employees in Finland.
Theatre technicians and administrative employees
The theatre technicians and administrative employees have a joint trade union Teatterialan ammattilaiset TAM ry, which is a member union of The Theatre and Media Employees in Finland.
The Association of Finnish Theatre Managers (Suomen Teatterijohtajaliitto)
Art information centres
Circus and Dance Info Finland
Circus & Dance Info Finland is WORKING FOR THE VITALITY OF FINNISH CIRCUS AND DANCE in Finland and internationally.
FILI – Finnish Literature Exchange
FILI is an expert and export organization, which supports the translation, printing and publication of literature and promotes the awareness of Finnish literature abroad.
Music Finland
The unification of Music Export Finland and the Finnish Music Information Fimic, Music Finland, the new organization, is now operational. The websites of Music Export Finland and Fimic will function as before until the autumn. The Finnish Music Information Centre (Fimic) exists to promote Finnish music over a broad range and with a strategic approach by increasing awareness of music and its creators and by promoting performances of Finnish music. We operate in all genres from contemporary classical music to jazz and from folk music to rock.
Frame Visual Art Finland
Frame Visual Art Finland provides services and acts as an expert body in international exchanges relating to the visual arts.
The Finnish Film Foundation
The Finnish Film Foundation´s task is to support and develop Finnish film production, distribution and exhibition.
Design Forum Finland
Design Forum Finland is the promotion organization of Finnish design. It is maintained by the Finnish Society of Crafts and Design, which was founded in 1875.
Finnish Museums Association
Finnish Museums Association is the central organisation for museums. Its tasks include looking after museums´ interests and advancing museums´ activities. The Finnish Museums Association incorporates all professionally run museums in the country.
TINFO – Theatre Info Finland is a Finnish centre of ITI (International Theatre Institute). TINFO co-operates with professional theatres, theatre artists, producers and festival managers. TINFO publishes yearly Finnish theatre statistics, and provides material and advice on international mobility.