
Experiences of foreign-born professionals in the field of art and culture in Pirkanmaa

Welcome to the panel discussion focusing on experiences of foreign-born professionals in the field of art and culture in the Pirkanmaa region. The event is organised by Globe Art Point in collaboration with the Tampere Intercultural Art collective and PUBLICS on Friday, 6th of August at 14:00-15:30 on Zoom
The aim of the event is to address the pressing matters and launch a constructive dialogue among a wide range of stakeholders (artists, culture professionals, institutions, city officials) with hopes that in the long run this dialogue will help to improve the representation and inclusion of the foreign-born professionals in the art and culture sector in Pirkanmaa and Finland overall, promoting the diversity of the field which in the end benefits society as a whole.
When: 6.8. 2021 at 14:00
Where: Online on Zoom.
Please note, this event will be recorded for archival purposes. If you do not wish to be recorded, keep your camera off for the duration of the event. 
Language: English
Registration deadline: TOMORROW, 4.8. 2021 at 23:55pm
Please register using this form by Wednesday 4th of August, 2021.
One day before the event, you'll receive an email confirming your registration as well as the Zoom meeting link and other information regarding the event. Registrants are also able to submit their questions for panelists beforehand.
Juha Ahonen; Culture Director for the City of Tampere
Maikki Kantola; Regional Artist of Cultural Diversity for Arts Promotion Centre (TAIKE).
Luiza Preda; Independent Artist, Production and Stage Designer, Tampere University Student Ambassador.
Ilaria Tucci; Diversity Agent, Professional in the theatre, acting and performative arts. 
Ruby Gupte; Chairperson of G.A.P, Founder of Tatinis Art Show, Chairperson of HIAA and Podcast Host
Tampere Intercultural Art
ARS 108
Globe Art Point
For more information, please contact info(at)globeartpoint.fi

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