Mad House Helsinki Summer Program
Mad House Helsinki has built a summer program which communicates with living urban culture. The summer season starts in the end of May and lasts until the end of August. The themes we especially celebrate during the summer are presence, listening, and learning from each other. The works and workshops of the summer season will offer many different ways for participation: there will be both indoors and outdoors events - and works that can be experienced alone, together with a small audience, or via Zoom.
To organise our disappointments
Price: 10/12/18€. Language: English.
To organise our disappointments is a joyride into failing. In this participatory performance, artists Olga Spyropoulou and Katriina Kettunen explore how disappointments occur and how they persist, stored in little pockets of memory called “things” and then put away yet in close proximity.
On keeping a notebook
Price 5€. At Zoom. Pre-registration needed. Language: Finnish and English.
Maarit Mustonen's and Anne Naukkarinen's On keeping a notebook workshop offers us a chance to delve into the practice of keeping notes, using different tools such as text, bodily movement, sound or image. The workshop is aimed at people working within the arts as well as at anyone for whom notes are of importance.
Sati Dérive
Price 4€. Available between June 1 and August 31. To join the walk you need to download an application. Language: Finnish.
This site-specific Sati Dérive - Revolution on a promenade walking audio piece is a collaboration between writer and director Johanna Matruka and sound designer Jaakko Autio.
The audio promenade wonders around Teurastamo area, in Helsinki (Kalasatama).
3.6. & 5.6.
Price 5 €. Language English
LOOOOOOOOONG TITLE is a polyphonic texture where different modalities of materials co-carry thoughts nearby breathing, touch, meandering. The space is activated by Pie Kär and Jana Unmüßig.
Free entrance.
Praying (Rukoilua) is a performance installation by Saija Kangasniemi in which performance, video, ceramic sculptures and textiles collaborate to create an interactive praying room. The performance, built from exercises based on meditation, concentration, and movement improvisation, will divert attention from the self to the surrounding world by exploring the presence of the body, movement, and space.
Call for stand-in mayors and councillors
Free entrance. Pre-registration needed. Language: English.
Just after the municipal election in Finland takes place, the artist Tea Andreoletti turns into the mayor of her hometown Gromo (IT). The performance is an imaginary city council meeting where the audience takes the roles of the council members and mayors of the four villages in the Upper Seriana Valley (IT).
ri:vr (astrologia 2)
Free entrance. At Kohta Kunstahlle, Teurastamo. Part of BAD HOUSE -festival.
ri:vr [astrotrilogia 2] is a performed installation that is created by artist Simo Kellokumpu in co-operation with artists Vincent Roumagnac and Nao Yazawa. ri:vr emerges at the intersection of queer-ed spaces/bodies and interplanetary culture.
Queer Embassy of Possible Futures
Free entrance. Pre-registration needed. Language: English
Queer Embassy of Possible Futures, created by Natalia Skoczylas ja Vishnu Vardhani Rajan, is an experiential study space in which we invite our (queer) kin to experiment with us, in the spirit of slow exchanges, non-expert discussions, radical bonding, fugitive studies, enacting of possible realities and offerings of practices.
Kosketuksen kaikuja
Price 5-10€. Workshop on 18.7. Pre-registration needed.
Kosketuksen kaikuja (Echoes of touch) is a ‘performance study’ by Anna Olkinuora in which the audience strolls in the Mad House environs. The performance studies how the city unfolds before us as a multi-sensory entity, when instead of simply walking and looking we explore new perspectives on familiar environments through movement and touch.
Taivu kuin taikina
Free entrance. Pre-registration needed.
Taivu kuin taikina (Fold Like a Dough) is a multi-sensory workshop, which introduces its participants to the soothing process of sourdough baking, and physical activities. Workshop is created and led by artists Elina Rantasuo and Sanna Ritvanen.
28.– 29.8.
On the same page (Fabric Book Workshops)
Price: 5€. Workshops held in Finnish, English and Russian. Pre-registration needed.
This workshop by artist Anastasia Artemeva invites the audience to experiment with using textiles to record our immediate environment. The process of mark-making with thread and fabric is such that it cannot be erased, cannot be turned into whole again, but can be repaired and mended.
May-August, several events
Free entrance. Pre-registration needed. Languages: Finnish and English.
Hunter-gatherers is a social experiment and a utopian art project by Pluckhouse (Höyhentämö). It seeks inspiration from humanity’s collective past and applies what it has learned to the present and will form a band of modern hunter-gatherers living in the urban landscape of Helsinki utilising its leftover resources.
Photo: Elina Rantasuo.