New Plays From Finland
1940's 1960's 1970's a band a closed space a residence permit Aalto University absurd absurd drama absurdism abuse academia Accepting diversity accidents activism Actor actors addiction Adolf Eichmann Adolf Hitler adoption adult man adulthood advisor for investments Africa after-party Ain-Ervin Mere alcohol alcohol tax alcoholism Aleksander Kreek alienation All-Union Leninist Young Communist League ALS amnesty Amsterdam Amy Weiskopf amyotrophic lateral sclerosis anationalist ancient animal animal rights animal trial animalistic animals anomalities anthropomorphism anti-semitism antidepressant antigone antisemitism anxiety apartment apartment life Aphrodite apocalypse Arabic Aram Saroyan archeology Architect Architecture Archive Archivist army art artist artists asylum seeker detention centres asylum seekers asylum system attention deficit disorder Auschwitz Austria auto-fiction avantgarde Avatar Babies baby backstage Baldur von Schirach Baltic Sea Baltics Bar bats Beach Beckett bed Bible Big Brother Billy Tipton binge drinking biography birds birth Birthday birthdays Björk Blondie body body image Bolsheviks borders boundaries bourgeois brain storming brand consultancy breadline break-down Brecht Bridge Brigitte Frank brothel Brother bulimia nervosa bullying bureaucracy burn-out burnout. karaoke bus business Butterflies Cairo camp fire cancer Candies Candy capital carbon monoxide caregivers carnivalism Carpenter casanova cat Categorization cave paintings censorship Champagne chaos character chat cheating Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant chess childhood childlessness children choice choices Choir Christianity church city image city planning civil rights civil war class class divide class society Classical music climate change Clock Clocks closet drama Club Coco Chanel coincidence coldness colleagues comedy Coming-of-age communication Communism Communist Party of the Soviet Union community competitive society concentration camps Concentration disorder conservatism conspiracy consultant contemporary Contemporary drama Control Corpse Cottage counterrevolution court creativity cricket crime criminalist crisis crush culture curator Dachau Dancing Dante Dante Gabriel Rossetti Dar es Salaam datanome daydreaming dead cousin dead family dead parent death Debbie Harry decision making deportation depression Designer desire Dictation diet difference difference in income digitalisation disability disappearance Disconnection discrimination Diversity divorce DJ doctors documentary theatre doppelganger Dorothee Sölle Dramaturgy dream dreaming dreams drinking Driving drugs Dying dystopia eating disorder Ecodramaturgy economic crisis economic depression economic growth economy Eero Huovinen Eero Ojanen Egg timer ego Egypt Eino Leino Einsatzgruppe Russland Nord elderly Elton John embarrassment emigration emmanuel levinas employee employer empowerment end of a relationship engineer equality equity Ervin Viks Escape Escapism Estonia Estonia Theatre Estonian ethics EU Eulogy European Union euthanasia Evangelical Lutheran Church ex-gay execution exhaustion exhibition existentialism expectations experience business experiments exploitation extinction extramarital affairs Fabulate fairytale faith fame family Family relations famine fantasy farce farm animals fascism Fat Girl Father father and son father-son relationship fatherhood fear fear of death Feelings Feminism feminist drama feminity Fertility filmmakers films final disposal Final Journey finance financial crisis Finland Finn-Swede Finnish Finnishness Fish flattery flying food food banks Forbidden love forced migration foreign trade France Francis of Assisi Frank Sinatra Franz Stangl Fredi freedom Fridtjof Nansen friendship fugitives Funeral future game gay gaze gender gender roles generals generations genocide gerder German Gestapo gin and tonic Girlfriend glazier global economy global warming God Grandfather greed greek grief Grim Reaper grotesque growing up guilt guiltiness gulls gynecology Gypsies Hamlet Hans Aumeier Hans Frank harassment health Hedwig Höss Heinrich Himmler Heinrich Hoffman help Helsinki Henriette von Schirach Hephaestus Hermann Göring hero Hevisaurus historical drama history hoax hoaxers Holland home home town homosexuality hope horror Hotel human Human behavior human behaviour human mind human rights humanitarian humanity humans hunger hurry husband ice Ice cream ice hockey Iceland idealism identity Idol winner imaginary friend Imaginary training Imagination Immaterial immigration indifference individuals Infatuation inhumane innocence innovation insomnia Intellectual Intergenerational Intergenerational relationship Interior design internet interview Intrusive thoughts IRL Isis Islam Jaan Viik James Bond Japanese jealousy Jesus Christ Jewish John Steinbeck Joseph Stalin journey Judaism justice justice system Kaija Saariaho Kalevi Sorsa Karelian stew Karoline Rascher Katri Helena Kenya Kevin Carter KGB king Kingdom Knitting Koko Komsomol Kuopio labour camp Lady Macbeth Land of Oz language Lapland law leadership Learning disabilty leftists Leo Talgre Leon Trotsky Leonard Cohen lesbian lesbianism LGBTQ+ liberalism Library lies life life choices life coach life management life. love Lina Heydrich Lina Manninen Lina van Osten Liquor locality Loneliness longing loss love loyalty Luis Bunuel lust madness male mammoths management marginalization Marina Abramovi? market economy marriage Martin Bormann Marxism masculinity mask masturbation Material Mauno Manninen meaningfulness meaningless medical medication medusa Memories memory memory loss menorah mental disorder mental health Messenger Metamorphosis Metro mid-life crisis middle age middle-age crisis midlife crisis migration policy mining miscarriage missionaries mistresses mistrust modesty mojito Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact money monologue Moomins moral morality Mother mother and daughter motherhood motherland mourning moving mundane murder Music musicians Muslims MySpace mystical myths Naantali Nairobi naked Nansen narcissism national disease National Socialism nature Nazi Germany Nazi Party Nazis near future neighbors neighbourhood neuroscience Nietzsche Nobel Peace Prize nonviolence Nordic countries normality Norway Norwegian nostalgia Nothingness nuclear power nuclear waste Nudity Nuremberg Nürnberg nursing home Nutella Objects obsession occupation occupational safety failure oddness office Order organization orienteering Other otherness outsider overtraining overweight pain pain of the world parallel realities parallels parenthood parenting partisan partner party partying Passage of time passion past patriarchy Patti Smith Paulo Freire Pedagogy of the Oppressed pedophilia performance anxiety Performance dramaturgy Perfume permit regulations perpetuality persecution philosophers philosophy Phone photograph photographers playwright Pleasure poetic poetry Poland Polish politicians politics Politics in academia pop culture pope popular politics porn pornography posthumanism poverty power pregnancy pregnant pressure Priest prince princess Princess Diana privacy propaganda proposal prostitutes prostitution provocation psychics psychology publicity punishment purpose queer querness Rabbit race racism radio amateurs radioactive Ralf Gerrets Ranua rape rat race realism reality Reality TV Recorder recovery Red Army Red Cross refugees regret rehearsal Reinhard Heydrich relationship relationship(s) relationships reliance religion reporter research resistance responsibility rest home retard retirement home reunion revenge revolution Richard Glücks river Roma people Room Rudolf Höss Russia Russian doll same-sex parenting satisfaction school Schutzstaffel science science fiction Scooter screen sea Seagulls Self-confidence Self-consciousness Self-doubt Self-harm self-interest Self-pity Self-worth selfhood seminar sense servant service occupation sex sex work sexism sexual abuse sexuality Shakespeare shamanism shame shaming sharing shoplifting Siberia siblings sick leave Sigmund Rascher Simone Butterfly Sister Skeleton Sky slavery slimming Slush small town Snapshot sobriety social drama social exclusion social media social norms social security social services society Socrates solidarity sophocles soul Sounds Soundscape South Sudan Soviet Union Space space aliens Species Speech spies spirit spirit world sport sports spying Squash SS stall start-up starvation Stealing Stork Story story telling strategies stress stroke student life students stupidity substance abuse success Suez Crisis Suffering suicide Summer superficiality survival sustainability Swedish Swedish language Swimming Tallinn Tardigrades tax on alcohol teacher teachers Techno technology Ted Bundy teen teenagers telemarketing temporality terrorism Test The Grapes of Wrath the Netherlands the pain evaluation form theatre theology therapy thriller time Toothbrush torture totalitarian totalitarism tourism tragedy tragicomedy training transgendered transgenderism trauma Treblinka Tree Trees Turku turth TV-quiz Ukraine Ulrike Meinhof UN uncertainity underground station unemployment United Nations United States of America university unlawful untamed Urn USA USSR vagina vagina dentata values vandalism VCR Venus Vernan Moore vernissage veterinarian Video cassette recorder violence Virgin Mary Virginia Woolf virtual world Walter Schellenberg war war crimes wealth wedding wheelchairs widows wife William Shakespeare winter woman Womanhood women Woody Allen work work environment work safety working class working team workmates workplace workshop World War II world-weariness Woyzeck writers Yom Kippur War young men youth youth play youthfulness Yugoslavia Zanzibar zoo