Production plan
Find answers to the questions below by interviewing the people whose contribution will have an effect on the artistic and technical choices and the whole production process.
Who are committed to making the theatre production (artistic decisions)?
And who will be taking care of the house management (other production decisions)?
Please write a list of their contact details and roles in the production process.
What is the (working) title of the performance? What kind of production is Theatre Group W [TGW] making?
For example, is it a stage production of a play or a musical, or a stage adaptation of a novel? Is the script already available? Or is it a devised drama production, where the director devises the whole performance with the performers during the rehearsal period?
Does TGW already have a licence to present this play? If not, find out who owns the copyright to the script (and music), and who represents the owner(s) of the copyright(s)? What are the laws and specifications on copyright and production licences? What kind of agreements or contracts do you need to make?
When shall TGW start the production process? When shall it be rehearsed, and when premiered? The tentative production schedule? Write down the intended dates of rehearsals, production meetings, dress rehearsals, previews, premiere and the rest of the shows.
Why did the company decide to present this particular performance?
This is an essential question to answer, for example, before writing grant applications.
Where shall TGW rehearse and perform? Different rehearsal space and performance venue?
Have they already been booked? Who takes care of the contract?
Do you want to rent a venue or are you looking for a co-producer? Collaborating and sharing the artistic and financial risk might be a win-win result for both parties.
The City of Helsinki Cultural Office runs seven cultural centres and venues in the Helsinki region, Annantalo, Caisa, Kanneltalo, Malmitalo, Stoa and Vuotalo, each of which has a distinct mission and profile: CULTURE CENTRES
Other possible performance venues for rental or collaboration:,,,,, (Puoli-Q), (former cable factory), (former power plant).