Ready-to-go productions from Finland 

This resource provides information on export ready Finnish productions that are tourable and suited for the international market right now. It offers a brief introduction to each of the featured shows, along with promotional photographs and video clips, technical information and contact details for further enquiries. 

Missing Amelia Earhart

Theatre: Merja Pöyhönen
Premiere: 9.11.2016 (in Finnish) 18.11.2017 (in English)
Produced / co-produced by: Puppet Theatre Dirty Duckling
Missing Amelia Earhart

In 1937, when Amelia Earhart disappeared, the world was left with an enormous mystery and an even bigger Amelia-Earhart-shaped hole.

Missing Amelia Earhart is an airy, dreamy and somewhat humoristic puppet play that follows the footsteps of the lost pilot with longing and admiration. It gives a peculiar explanation to what might have happened before and after Amelia Earhart disappeared in 1937 and draws a blurred portrait of yesterday’s hero and her today’s lookalike, Merja Pöyhönen.

Made of courage and dreams, Missing Amelia Earhart is a brave one woman show and by stretching its own boundaries it has become one of the most sparkling examples of Finnish contemporary puppetry.

Touring information

Running time at full length 75 min.
Interval no
Stage required (height/width/depth) 4,5 m + 7 m + 5 m
No. of people on tour 3
No. of performers 1
Used language English (and also in Finnish available)
Requires a clear understanding of Finnish or another language English
Subtitles no
English synopsis no
Simultaneous translation no
Touring season from [January 2018] to [December 2019]
Availability for workshop and educational work Yes

Key personnel

Directed by Merja Pöyhönen
Written by Merja Pöyhönen
Performers Merja Pöyhönen
Lighting design Jarkko Forsman
Sound design Merja Pöyhönen
Stage design plus puppets by Heini Maaranen & Merja Pöyhönen
Other credits Music by Hilla Väyrynen, Eddie Hermoso, Swaying Wires

Contact information

Contact Merja Pöyhönen
Position director, performer
Telephone +358400654367



« Ready-to-go productions from Finland

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