Thalia Gala on World Theatre Day, 27 March 2023
The event celebrates artistic excellence across the theatre, dance and circus industries in Finland. This year, a total of 19 awards are up for grabs.
This year’s Thalia performing arts gala will be held on Monday, 27 March 2023 at Q-teatteri in Helsinki (Tunturikatu 16 C). Doors will open from 18:00, with the formal ceremony commencing at 19:00.
The Central Association of Finnish Theatre Associations, along with other industry bodies, is delighted to extend an invitation to everyone in the theatre, dance and circus sectors to attend the Thalia evening reception and award ceremony. At the event, a total of 19 awards will be presented by 13 Finnish organisations to recognise outstanding achievements in the performing arts in 2022.
Theatre, Film and Television Designers and Lighting, Sound and Video Designers in Finland:
Lavastussäde (Best Set Design)
Pukusäde (Best Costume Design)
Valosäde (Best Lighting Design)
Videosäde (Best Video Design)
Äänisäde (Best Sounds Design)
Circus & Dance Info Finland:
Sirkuksen lumo Award
Assitej Finland and Association of Finnish Theatres:
Lasten- ja nuortenteatteripalkinto (Theatre Award for Children and Young People)
Writers Guild of Finland:
Kiitos kotimaisesta näytelmästä (Thank You for the Finnish Play Prize)
Finnish Actors Union:
Vuoden teatterinäyttelijä (Stage Actor of the Year)
Union of Dance and Circus Artists Finland (STST):
Sirkuksen maineteko (Outstanding Contribution to the Circus Arts)
Tanssin maineteko -palkinto (Outstanding Contribution to Dance)
Union of Theatre Directors and Dramaturges Finland:
Ohjaajapalkinto (Director of the Year)
Association of Finnish Theatres:
Vuoden Teatteri (Theatre of the Year)
UNIMA Finland:
Vuoden nukketeatteriteko (Outstanding Contribution of the Year to Puppet Theatre)
Theatre Professionals´ Union Finland (TAM):
Yhteisvoima-palkinto (Collaboration Award)
Voimavara-palkinto (Positive Contribution Award)
Theatre Centre:
Vuoden teatteriteko (Significant Contribution to Theatre Making)
Theatre Info Finland TINFO:
Vuoden esityksen Thalia-palkinto (Thalia Prize for Performing Arts Production of the Year)
Please RSVP if you wish to attend.
We look forward to welcoming you to this evening of celebration!
To RSVP your intention to attend, please go to:
Alternatively, please contact us by email:
sihteeri (a) teatterijarjestojenkeskusliitto.fi
To find out more, please contact:
Central Association of Finnish Theatre Associations / Toini Nissinen, Secretary
sihteeri (a) teatterijarjestojenkeskusliitto.fi, 045 896 4024
Find out more:
More about theatre prizes in Finland (in Finnish): https://www.tinfo.fi/fi/Teatterialan_palkintoja
Theatre Info Finland TINFO coordinates communications for the Thalia Gala.