Superswitcher (Taikanaksutin) is a children’s play that explores gender roles and gender identities. Unbeknownst to the people of the World, space aliens from another dimension are responsible for giv...
Specs and Normals * (Erkat ja tavikset) is the story of Olavi, a special needs kid who is trying to find his place in a regular class and of Roosa; a girl who has already given up on her ed...
The Arrow Stoat (Nuolikärppä) is a fairytale that has something to offer for adults and children alike. Our main character is the Arrow Stoat, the hero of Swampland, who is given a task by the ki...
Lammassaaressa – komedia käyttäytymissäännöistä is an adaptation of an earlier play text by Tuomas Timonen. Timonen re-worked the play to suit a touring production for children by the theatre group TO...