Superswitcher (Taikanaksutin) is a children’s play that explores gender roles and gender identities. Unbeknownst to the people of the World, space aliens from another dimension are responsible for giv...
Megan is a 13-year-old American girl whose life involves the typical teenage drama of friends and boy crushes. Unfortunately she also has an attention deficit disorder an aggressive mood swings. Megan...
Specs and Normals * (Erkat ja tavikset) is the story of Olavi, a special needs kid who is trying to find his place in a regular class and of Roosa; a girl who has already given up on her ed...
Elena doesn’t have any reason to be feeling down. But when you’re feeling down, the causes aren’t always obvious, especially if you’re a lonely teenager who’s shy about her looks. Running and throwing...
Cutting a Cake - A play about justice in six uneven slices (Att dela en kaka - sex olika stora bitar om rättvisa) is an exploration in justice and injustice. The play ponders who has the right to dete...