Juha Jokela’s Fog is a boldly topical comedy on self-censorship. The play portrays the position of a small nation at the side of a larger neighbor. The text examines the relationship between Finland and Russia in the light of current events. Fog centers around a company called Somnimag, whose development work has resulted in a MGD device suitable for brain examination. At the suggestion of the ministry, the company ventures to market the device in Russia. However, the political affairs of a superpower cause unexpected conflicts between people and nations.
Juha Jokela’s carefully crafted text considers the Finnish attitude toward Russia. The difficulty and lack of communication creates realistic and everyday humor. Fog cleverly combines the intricacies of the business world with political and ethical questions, while weaving the viewpoints of science, art, politics, business, ethics, and philosophy into one vast dramatic web. The play makes us ask: is bribery sometimes the only solution? Can values and morals be put before money and business relations?
What about Russia?
Yes. Would you be interested in Russia?
Erm…yes, why not.
It’s just Russia’s expressed some interest in our medical expertise, maybe you could sort of
pave the way.
Roles: Women 3, men 4.
Ah Taisto, d’you have a minute?
What’s up?
Nothing special, but… It’s just you’ve been pretty vocal lately, on the net. About matters Ukrainian, and erm… I mean it’s very laudable and all that…
Feel I should show my colours.
Quite right. Only, it’s attracted the attention of the ministry… And erm… D’you think you could find it in you to erm, either tone it down a bit or use a pseudonym?
Well first of all the Action For Ukraine group doesn’t allow pseudonyms and second of all…
Oh yeah, ‘cause of trolling.
Are you seriously telling me the ministry ordered you to curb my use of the net?
No one ordered anyone… I mean I feel embarrassed even saying this but… The deal isn’t sealed and delivered yet and as you know… There are Russian sympathizers everywhere… So without wanting to sound too Stasi… I mean this could actually be a make-or-break thing for someone down the line.
What could?
Ukraine. I mean someone could out of sheer spite send word to Yaroslavl like yeah, you’ve a good deal going there, but the guy who invented the machine supports those Nazis in Kiev.
(Taisto goes over to Larissa in the lab room and starts adjusting the equipment. Olli speaks through the microphone.)
Of course it’s not me who thinks they’re Nazis, but some Russian who gets wind of your online activities and who is scared shitless of Putin and the FSB, well for him…
Are you aware you just tried to restrict my freedom of speech?
No… You can do anything you want of course… And I agree with you. I just never imagined we’d suddenly get sucked into Finnish foreign politics… Ok sorry, forget it. I’ll ask Hannele for a meeting so we can establish some sort of protocol.
For what?
For this dilemma of ours, the one you’re always going on about.
English translation of the play by Eva Buchwald