Jack and Andrew are participants in a Back to Work scheme, and ground keepers at a soon to be disused sports ground. Neither Andrew, who has a mild disability, nor Jack, who does not have any greater...
The most tender and poetic of Juha Jokela’s plays, The Patriarch premiered on the main stage of the Finnish National Theatre in the autumn of 2012. Written for the theatre’s 140-year anniversary, the...
The Orchestra: A Study in Solidarity (Orkesteri – The Everlast. Tutkielma solidaarisuudesta) is a sister play to Pitch (Kenttä). The play asks the question of whether communality is possible....
Klemola's play The Shepherd (Maaseudun tulevaisuus) takes place in the future, where at some point Finland has been divided into two counties, north and south., Finland has been divided into two count...
Princess Hamlet is a play by E.L. Karhu (formerly Emilia Pöyhönen), where insanity is examined from various perspectives. This overwrite of William Shakespeare’s Hamlet serves as an ambiguous independ...
“We’ve come a long way in many things. But in the course of things, people have often been passed over without consideration. Or with very little consideration.” When a person los...
I guess I really am a racist then even though I don’t want to be one… who made me like this? Who did this to me and when did it all happen? After all I do have a master’s degree in p...
E. L. Karhu’s Princess Hamlet (Prinsessa Hamlet) may have been officially dubbed a “comic strip tragedy”, but its predecessor, Breadline Ballad (Leipäjonoballadi), has a very similar...