Jessika’s Cub is a comedy about Jessika’s family, her role as a wife and a mother and her panic attack-inducing longing for nature and to get away from the technological world of today. Jessika, he...
Megan is a 13-year-old American girl whose life involves the typical teenage drama of friends and boy crushes. Unfortunately she also has an attention deficit disorder an aggressive mood swings. Megan...
To be Human (Toisen ääni) is a fable for adults about the aspiration towards goodness. In the play there is a brother and a sister both of whom will not refuse to leave their home because they ar...
Elena doesn’t have any reason to be feeling down. But when you’re feeling down, the causes aren’t always obvious, especially if you’re a lonely teenager who’s shy about her looks. Running and throwing...
Jack and Olly are childhood friends who have ended up working together in Jallu’s car repair business. Due to an unpleasant incident at work, the university-educated Olly has been forced to resi...