Variksen veli

Alkuperäinen nimi Variksen veli
Kirjoittajat Sirkku Peltola
Alkuperäiskieli Finnish
Kantaesityksen vuosi 1991
Teatteri KOM-teatteri / KOM Theatre
Asiasanat Puheteatteri


Male characters 3, female 3

The play takes advantage of two Finnish dramatic genres: folk theatre and urban realism. The play is a sort of Finnish commedia dell'arte, a coming-of-age drama, situated at the crossroads of an agrarian society and an urban environment. Telling of the everyday life of two brothers the play mixes fantasy and mundane reality. The style is moderate absurdity. The brothers are slightly phlegmatic, even lazy, but supplement their mundane existence with their imagination.


Kieli English
Käännöksen nimi Crow's Brother
Kääntäjät Anselm Hollo
Kopioita saatavana Finnish Theatre Information Centre, tinfo(at)
Oikeuksien myyjä The Finnish Dramatists' Union,