Runar ja Kyllikki

Alkuperäinen nimi Runar ja Kyllikki
Kirjoittajat Jussi Kylätasku
Alkuperäiskieli Finnish
Kantaesityksen vuosi 1974
Teatteri Turun Kaupunginteatteri / Turku City Theatre
Asiasanat Puheteatteri

Esitykset ulkomailla

Escuela teatro de la universidad católica, Lima, Peru 1998;
Milwaukee, USA 1987;
Stockholms Stadsteater, Sweden 1977


Roles: 10 male, 5 female + villagers

Runar and Kyllikki is Kylätasku's fourth work for the stage. The music was composed by Kaj Chydenius. The play, both in word and music, draws its source from Finnish folk ballads which traditionally tell sad, often gloomy tales of bygone days.
The plot and characters are set, however, in modern times, against the background of a remote rural village in Finland in the 1950's. Old, stereotyped ways of thinking and behaviour, attitudes and taboos still prevail in the village; they appear in a narrow religiosity, dual sexual morality and a primitive way of life dominated by men. In this stifling atmosphere the normal development into independent and happy adults of two young people - Runar the son of an unmarried mother who has moved to the village as a war refugee, and Kyllikki the daughter of a narrowly religious, tyrannical farmer – is distorted. The young people's most sensitive sphere, their sexual life, the area of erotic feelings, is damaged by pressures from the warped attitudes of the people around them. The difficult circumstances drive Runar and Kyllikki, who has drifted into religion, towards each other, and they fall in love. However, there is no chance for their love to come to fruition; on the contrary, it directs itself towards its own destruction. In his helplessness and against his own will, Runar becomes a murderer.
From the writer's standpoint, both parties to the sexual murder are victims, Runar as well as Kyllikki. The parties truly bearing the blame are the environment and the way of life where intolerant and blind neighbours compete in building taboos, spreading hatred and revenge and finally denouncing one another.
The theme is not limited to a particular locality - the psychological aspects of the play and the social perspectives revealed are valid far beyond the boundaries of Finland.


Kieli English
Käännöksen nimi Runar and Kyllikki
Kääntäjät Philip Binham
Julkaisija ITI Hungary 1980
Kopioita saatavana Finnish Theatre Information Centre, tinfo(at)
Oikeuksien myyjä The Finnish Dramatists Union, www., info(at)

Kieli Spanish
Käännöksen nimi Runar y Kyllikki
Kääntäjät Maritza Núñez
Julkaisija Asociación de directores de escena de España
Kopioita saatavana Finnish Theatre Information Centre, tinfo(at)
Oikeuksien myyjä Union de Dramaturgos de Finlandia, Meritullinkatu 33 G, FIN-00170 Helsinki,

Kieli German
Käännöksen nimi Kyllikki und Runar
Kääntäjät Marja-Leena Vahaniemi
Julkaisija Henschel, Berlin 1980
Kopioita saatavana Finnish Theatre Information Centre, tinfo(at)
Oikeuksien myyjä Finnish Dramatists Union, www., info(at)

Kieli Russian
Käännöksen nimi Runar i Kjullikki
Kääntäjät Jaana Zhemoitel
Kopioita saatavana The Finnish Dramatists' Union,
Oikeuksien myyjä The Finnish Dramatists' Union,

Kieli Estonian
Käännöksen nimi Runar ja Küllikki
Kääntäjät Sirje Kiin
Kopioita saatavana Eesti Näitemänguagentuur / Estonian Drama Agency, ena(at)
Oikeuksien myyjä The Finnish Dramatists' Union,

Kieli Estonian
Käännöksen nimi Runar ja Kyllikki
Kääntäjät Sirje Ruutsoo
Kopioita saatavana Eesti Näitemänguagentuur / Estonian Drama Agency, ena(at)
Oikeuksien myyjä The Finnish Dramatists' Union,

Kieli Swedish
Käännöksen nimi Runar och Kyllikki
Kääntäjät Jens Hildén
Kopioita saatavana Finlands dramatikerförbund,
Oikeuksien myyjä Finlands dramatikerförbund,