Englantilainen tarina

Alkuperäinen nimi Englantilainen tarina
Kirjoittajat Paavo Haavikko
Alkuperäiskieli Finnish
Kantaesityksen vuosi 1990
Teatteri Lilla Teatern / Little Swedish Theatre
Asiasanat Puheteatteri


In this play several women remember their younger days in St. Petersburg at the beginning of 20th century. Communism’s first years have gone by. The women talk of past events from their dead husbands’ points of view. The bond between memory and forgetfulness develops into the main theme of the play, the manipulation of the past. The dialogue is compact, intellectually light, and ironically funny. The play’s multiple tales begin again and again, always from a new viewpoint.


Kieli Russian
Käännöksen nimi Anglijskaja istorija
Kääntäjät Evgenij Popov
Jukka Mallinen
Julkaisija Russian ITI 1990
Kopioita saatavana TINFO Theatre Info Finland, tinfo(at)teatteri.org
Oikeuksien myyjä The Finnish Dramatists' Union, www.sunklo.fi