Toisen viulun soittajat

Alkuperäinen nimi Toisen viulun soittajat
Kirjoittajat Jaana Lappo
Alkuperäiskieli Finnish
Kantaesityksen vuosi 1976
Teatteri Radioteatteri, YLE / Finnish Radio Theatre
Asiasanat Kuunnelma


Two telephonists, Lisa and Ritva, are working on the labour exchange information section exchange. The section is an office which deals with labour exchange, accidents, insurance and other aspects of working life. The girls deal with innumerable appeals for help during their working day, and a few of their own affairs. This keen social satire ends with the automation of the exchange and the girls being fired. Thus the last relic of the days when an exchange was still human have gone.


Kieli English
Käännöksen nimi Playing Second Fiddle
Kääntäjät Diana Tullberg
Kopioita saatavana Finnish Broadcasting Company,
Oikeuksien myyjä Finnish Broadcasting Company,