
Alkuperäinen nimi Puheliini
Kirjoittajat Pekka Lounela
Alkuperäiskieli Finnish
Kantaesityksen vuosi 1976
Teatteri Radioteatteri, YLE / Finnish Radio Theatre
Asiasanat Kuunnelma


Characters: 6 male, 3 female

The Tellephone is a radio play in miniature, on the invention of the telephone and all the things the telephone has been used for in the last hundred years. Automatic answering services, holding systems, exchanges, wrong numbers, poor audibility, engaged lines, interrupted calls, telephone terrorism, gossip by phone, and many other aspects that fascinate and infuriate the user come into Lounela’s play. And in the middle of it all Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the phone, makes his first call to Thomas Watson who, unknown to Bell, is working on his own invention.


Kieli English
Käännöksen nimi The Tellephone
Kääntäjät Dympna Connolly
Kopioita saatavana Finnish Broadcasting Company, http://www.yle.fi
Oikeuksien myyjä Finnish Broadcasting Company, http://www.yle.fi