Ei mansikoita Ahmatovalle

Alkuperäinen nimi Ei mansikoita Ahmatovalle
Kirjoittajat Paavo Rintala
Alkuperäiskieli Finnish
Kantaesityksen vuosi 1994
Teatteri Suomen Kansallisteatteri / Finnish National Theatre
Asiasanat Puheteatteri


Only a couple of years before her death, Anna Ahmatova reviews her life to the young Victor Krivulin, future poet, who brings her the news of Joseph Brodsky’s deportation. In her monologue Ahmatova draws only too familiar images of mothers queuing for days to see their imprisoned sons, of the fear of having said too much, of starvation and shame. Even after Stalin’s death, the devil at whose table summer lasted all year lives on – overshadowing the lives of Ahmatova’s family, friends and fellow poets. This hell has already been described over 600 years before by Dante Alighieri. Born into this hell is also Victor and he is eagerly learning Italian following his role model Anna. Taking the young poet under her wings, Ahmatova tells him about her friend Marina Tsvetaeva and the dubious circumstances surrounding her suicide, about Ossip Mandestam, Boris Pasternak, and about the catastrophe of being a poet. And finally she puts her disbelief into words about a statesman who offered his generals strawberries in a frosty December while his people was starving to death.


Kieli French
Käännöksen nimi Pas de fraises pour Ahmatova
Kääntäjät Mirja Bolgár
Lucie Albertini
Julkaisija News from the Finnish Theatre 50, 1996
Kopioita saatavana TINFO Theatre Info Finland, tinfo(at)teatteri.org
Oikeuksien myyjä The Finnish Dramatists Union, www. sunklo.fi, info(at)sunklo.fi