Alkuperäinen nimi |
2019-04-13 |
Kirjoittajat |
Heikki Peltonen |
Alkuperäiskieli |
Finnish |
Kantaesityksen vuosi |
1976 |
Teatteri |
Radioteatteri, YLE / Finnish Radio Theatre |
Asiasanat |
Kuunnelma |
2019-04-13 takes place in the future, i.e. on the day, month and year of the title. This date is written in official “computerese”. Matteus is ill and retired, that is, he lives at home, but his day is carefully programmed. A videophone system with innumerable channels looks after him, and his working wife keeps an eye on what he is doing with her own videophone. The only channel that Matteus cannot switch to is the channel of silence.
The play describes the coldness and monotony of a mechanized age. Everything is organized, safe and supervised, but contact between people has gone completely, so that merely shaking hands as a form of greeting is looked upon as a symptom of sickness.
Kieli |
English |
Käännöksen nimi |
2019-04-13 |
Kääntäjät |
Dympna Connolly |
Kopioita saatavana |
Finnish Broadcasting Company, |
Oikeuksien myyjä |
Finnish Broadcasting Company, |