Markiisin unet

Alkuperäinen nimi Markiisin unet
Kirjoittajat Pasi Lampela
Alkuperäiskieli Finnish
Kantaesityksen vuosi 2000
Teatteri Tampereen Teatteri / Tampere Theatre
Asiasanat Puheteatteri


Characters: 1 woman 2 men.
Markiisin unet is a play about the imprisonment in Charenton mental asylum of Alphonse Donatien de Sade. The Marquis' indulgence in the pleasure of the senses has resulted in his inability to experience pleasure of the soul. The only people he can talk to are the head doctor of the asylum, the other patients and the young and simple-minded Marcel.
He sends endless letters to Napoleon, begging for mercy. Using the power of his imagination, he tries to become part of the erotic relationship existing between Marcel and his bride. While the eroticism is spiritual, if not physical, the director transforms the young couple's love from tenderness to violence and finally humiliation.
One day, an unexpected visitor arrives at the Marquis' cell. She is unknown to him and reveals herself to be Josephine, wife of Napoleon. The woman is willing to help the Marquis to regain his freedom. However, just as de Sade is preparing to abandon his principles and kiss the hem of Napoleon's cape and serve him in some minor capacity in return for his freedom, the woman reveals her deceit. She is not Josephine and she has not come to bring freedom but rather to make the Marquis accountable for the crime committed thirty years previously involving the rape and poisoning of two young girls.
The Marquis believes in his own great importance and in his right to abuse others, a belief with the prisoners and mental asylum has not changed. He, however, yealds in the final battle and loses what little he has left. The woman tells him that La Coste is no more, it is in ruins. Marcel also deserts the Marquis and breaks free from the mental grasp to live with the girl he loves.


Kieli French
Käännöksen nimi Les rêves du Marquis de Sade
Kääntäjät René Philippe Thomas
Kopioita saatavana Nordic Drama Corner,, office(at)
Oikeuksien myyjä Nordic Drama Corner,, office(at)
Kieli Swedish
Käännöksen nimi Markisens drömmar
Kääntäjät Pekka Saaristo
Kopioita saatavana Nordic Drama Corner,, office(at)
Oikeuksien myyjä Nordic Drama Corner,, office(at)