Rakkaita pettymyksiä rakkaudessa
Alkuperäinen nimi | Rakkaita pettymyksiä rakkaudessa |
Kirjoittajat | Juha Turkka Jouko Turkka |
Alkuperäiskieli | Finnish |
Kantaesityksen vuosi | 1996 |
Teatteri | Tampereen Työväen Teatteri, TTT / Theatre of Tampere |
Asiasanat | Puheteatteri |
Esitykset ulkomailla
Sphinx Theatre, London 2001
Characters: 2 male, 2 female
The main character of the play, the editor-in-chief of a big Tampere newspaper, a dignified older woman, falls head over heels in love with Finland's youngest doctor of philosophy, Himanen. Confronted with this mature love, she is prepared to make any sacrifice, both personal, in terms of her own female body, and professional, in terms of the enormous influence she wields in her native city. She is prepared to even change the Tampere international theatre festival into an international festival of philosophy. To her misfortune, Himanen goes into the army for his national service, with an intention of turning every conscript into a philosopher. The army, however, shows no mercy to the country's youngest philosopher, and so, weary of being bullied, he leaves the army. Yet, he doesn’t leave alone for the company sergeant major considers it his duty to save Himanen: “I shall make Himanen a man” – task he energetically assigns to himself.
The events of the play take place during the course of one night in the lady editor's Tampere flat, where the young rival, Kati Herukka, also appears, seeking Himanen's love. During the course of the night, the four characters' most secret love fantasies are revealed, and in this passionate night of love, the happiness brought by love and the disappointments born of the lack thereof alternate, as the title delightfully suggests.
In Finland, the play received a prize for the best play of the year 1996.
Kieli | Spanish |
Käännöksen nimi | Amorosas decepciones en el amor |
Kääntäjät | Maritza Núñez |
Kopioita saatavana | The Finnish Dramatists' Union, http://www.sunklo.fi |
Oikeuksien myyjä | The Finnish Dramatists' Union, http://www.sunklo.fi |
Kieli | Swedish |
Käännöksen nimi | Kära besvikelser i kärlekslivet |
Kääntäjät | Lars Huldén |
Julkaisija | Drama ISBN 87-7865-088-7 |
Kopioita saatavana | Finnish Theatre Information Centre, tinfo(at)teatteri.org |
Oikeuksien myyjä | The Finnish Dramatists' Union, http://www.sunklo.fi |
Kieli | English |
Käännöksen nimi | Cherished Disappointments in Love |
Kääntäjät | Bryony Lavery Kaarina Kytömaa |
Julkaisija | Sphinx Theatre Company 1998 |
Kopioita saatavana | The Finnsh Dramatists' Union, http://www.sunklo.fi |
Oikeuksien myyjä | The Finnish Dramatists' Union, http://www.sunklo.fi |