Alkuperäinen nimi |
Koputuksia |
Kirjoittajat |
Michael Baran |
Alkuperäiskieli |
Finnish |
Kantaesityksen vuosi |
1994 |
Teatteri |
Suomen Kansallisteatteri / Finnish National Theatre |
Asiasanat |
Puheteatteri |
Characters: 4 male, 4 female
The Knocking is a play about lifeless life and the lack of courage.
The dentistry professor Juhani Vaara has spent his whole life in disciplined orderliness pedantically following timetables. The play starts with a dream in which Juhani loses his teeth. Soon after, this also happens in realty. According to books about dreams losing one’s teeth means death. Juhani always loses a tooth when he makes a choice which seems to numb him. One evening, he gets a chance: Ulla Heinänen, a young woman and a mathematician, steps into his life and with her, a strange attraction. The “timetable” which Juhani has been exploiting for so long, the lover Anna Aalto is the ex-wife of Juhani’s best friend Yrjö Holmström who is in turn attracted to Juhani’s daughter, Suvi-Maria Vaara-Rintakoski. Both Suvi-Maria and Yrjö escape from life, the former with the help of pills, the latter by blocking parts of reality. Juhani Vaara doesn’t dare choosing a new beginning with Ulla Heinänen but chooses what he is used to – Anne Aalto.
Kieli |
English |
Käännöksen nimi |
The Knocking |
Kääntäjät |
Eva Buchwald |
Kopioita saatavana |
TINFO Theatre Info Finland, tinfo(at) |
Oikeuksien myyjä |
The Finnish Dramatists' Union, |