Alkuperäinen nimi |
Oi mikä tyttö |
Kirjoittajat |
Pekka Mäkinen |
Alkuperäiskieli |
Finnish |
Kantaesityksen vuosi |
1982 |
Asiasanat |
Puheteatteri |
Characters: male 2, female 3
Albert Pekki, a middle-aged painter, has been having a good time for a couple of weeks while his wife Anna, a professional dancer, is touring in England. Their marriage is childless though they have been married for five years. Anna has been unwilling to have a baby because she fears that a child-birth might ruin her career as a dancer. Albert daydreams of a son of his own which has made him very frustrated of course. His parents have lived in the hope of getting a grandson for many years, and they are very disappointed in their son, pressing him to make Anna have a baby.
Irene Koski, a beautiful prostitute, moves in the neighbouring house while Anna is abroad. She gets to know everything about Albert’s marriage, and cleverly taking advantage of his desire to have a son she seduces him.
When Anna has come back home she soon finds out that Albert has an affair with Irene. She is carrying Albert’s child but she does not tell it to him but packs up his things and drives him out of the house. Then she phones to Irene and makes an appointment with her. She has got to know that Irene is a prostitute, and she uses that knowledge bluntly to force Irenen to leave Albert.
Albert moves to Irene’s house but she can do nothing but to drive him out. He moves to room at his parents’. He talks with them about the situation. Anna turns up there too, and in the very end of the play Albert gets to know that his wife is pregnant.
Kieli |
English |
Käännöksen nimi |
Oh What a Girl |
Kopioita saatavana |
The Finnish Dramatists' Union, |
Oikeuksien myyjä |
The Finnish Dramatists' Union, |