Jumalan rakastaja
Alkuperäinen nimi | Jumalan rakastaja |
Kirjoittajat | Jussi Parviainen |
Alkuperäiskieli | Finnish |
Kantaesityksen vuosi | 1984 |
Teatteri | Ryhmäteatteri / Group Theatre |
Asiasanat | Puheteatteri |
Esitykset ulkomailla
Teater de vill, Stockholm, Sweden 2003
Characters: male 7, female 5
God's Lover is a play about building up the identity of a generation that worships pictures. The main character who worships his image in the mirror as an icon wishes to build of himself a picture of God modelled on Michelangelo's David. Lover of God deals with the oldest and most painful problems of man's existence. Although "deal with" actually seems unsuitably theoretical here: Parviainen hits, tears, shouts, abuses, pulling out the pain and filth from under ostensibly normal life. His play asks: if man is the image of God, what is God like? Through language Parviainen creates a new type of theatrical expression, thunderous and terrifying, but at the end of the day his character Juska Paarma is much the same as Wagner's Tannhauser.
Kieli | English |
Käännöksen nimi | God’s Lover |
Kääntäjät | Anselm Hollo |
Kopioita saatavana | TINFO Theatre Info Finland, tinfo(at)teatteri.org |
Oikeuksien myyjä | The Finnish Dramatists’ Union, http://www.sunklo.fi |
Kieli | Swedish |
Käännöksen nimi | Guds älskare |
Kääntäjät | Tony Thorén Kerttu Thorén |
Kopioita saatavana | TINFO Theatre Info Finland, tinfo(at)teatteri.org |
Oikeuksien myyjä | The Finnish Dramatists’ Union, http://www.sunklo.fi |