
Alkuperäinen nimi Poronpurijat
Kirjoittajat Jussi Wahlgren
Alkuperäiskieli Finnish
Kantaesityksen vuosi 2000
Teatteri Grove Street Playhouse, New York
Asiasanat Puheteatteri

Esitykset ulkomailla

Grove Street Playhouse, New York, USA 2000


Characters: 2 men, 3 women.

Patrik Lindberg, a doctor at the University of Helsinki, is married to the dying LEA and is being supported in his research by EVA DAMALSKI, a professor who will sleep with just about anybody. LEA is having an affair with PATRIK's best friend, JOHAN, who is married to the surgeon KRISTINA, a frigid bitch who steals PATRIK's research plan and with whom PATRIK inexplicably wants to have an affair.
In short, everyone is screwing everyone else, both figuratively and literally and often at the same time.

-Doug De Vita, the reviewer for Off Off Broadway Magazine


Kieli English
Käännöksen nimi The Reindeer Biters
Kääntäjät Jussi Wahlgren
Kristina O'Neil
Kopioita saatavana Colombine Teaterförlag, Stockholm, Sweden, info(a)colombine.se
Oikeuksien myyjä Colombine Teaterförlag, Stockholm, Sweden, info(a)colombine.se