Yössä Gehennan

Alkuperäinen nimi Yössä Gehennan
Kirjoittajat Ilpo Tuomarila
Alkuperäiskieli Finnish
Kantaesityksen vuosi 1984
Teatteri Suomen Kansallisteatteri / Finnish National Theatre
Asiasanat Puheteatteri


Characters: male 4, female 2

Two poets, Josef Julius Wecksell, wonder child of Swedish language drama and poetry in Finland, and Aleksis Kivi, the first and still greatest genius of Finnish literature, meet as inmates of a mental hospital. Feelings of brotherhood and sympathy, envy and hate alternate as they come closer to one another in this shared hell.
Revenge for the injustices of the world and attempts to finally destroy the other are mingled with the genuine desire to help and love when the poets decide to write caricatures of each other and perform them to the patient staff.
Thanks to the caricatures the poets comprehend their own nature - their own limitations and riches. They decide to go back to the real world. They finally demand with violence that they be released from the hospital, but the superintendent orders them to be shut from the world for the rest of their lives.


Kieli English
Käännöksen nimi In Gehenna‘s Night
Kääntäjät Tim Steffa
Anselm Hollo
Tarja Djateau
Kopioita saatavana The Finnish Dramatists‘ Union, www. sunklo.fi, info(at)sunklo.fi
Oikeuksien myyjä The Finnish Dramatists‘ Union, http://www.sunklo.fi