Se ainoa oikea

Alkuperäinen nimi Se ainoa oikea
Kirjoittajat Jukka Vieno
Alkuperäiskieli Finnish
Kantaesityksen vuosi 1989
Teatteri Oulun kaupunginteatteri / Oulu City Theatre
Asiasanat Puheteatteri


Characters: 3 male, 1 female

What to do when the wedding bells are ringing, and the groom still doesn’t know his sexual identity?
It is Midsummer Eve, four o’clock in the morning. Paul attends the office owned by two men, Leo and Touko, parents in business and in love. The heavy drinking, and the visit to leisure facilities of gay culture in the night, has made Paul unsure of his sexual identity. In a burst of heroic honesty, he tries to cancel the wedding with his future bride Paula. Leo and Touko try to calm him down, and make him fresh and fit for the next morning.
Paula is called for help. Paul tries to make his mind about his sexual identity, but is unable to make his statement clear, being too enthusiastic about Paula’s beauty and all the aspects and assets of her female sweetness. Finally Paul describes the love affair he had with a mystic motorcycle man. Is Paul’s tour-de-force of searching his sexual identity just the cream of the top of cruel joke?
As the wedding bells ring in the final moments of this hilarious comedy, the bride’s last lines describe well the problem that the star of this play now faces:
‘You really don’t have too many options. If you get pissed off at us now, you’re just stupid. If you run away, you’re a coward. If you start puddling up, you’re a wimp with no sense of humour. If you start laughing, you admit you’re afraid. If you want to postpone the wedding, that’s just a drag, and if you don’t marry me, you really are a gay. And what’s more, you are miserable, because you have confessed that you love me. Who could be more miserable than a gay guy who loves a woman?’


Kieli English
Käännöksen nimi The Only One for Me
Kääntäjät Anselm Hollo
Kopioita saatavana TINFO Theatre Info Finland, tinfo(at)
Oikeuksien myyjä jukka.vieno(at)