Inbjudan till resa

Alkuperäinen nimi Inbjudan till resa
Kirjoittajat Petri Salin
Alkuperäiskieli Swedish
Kantaesityksen vuosi 1998
Teatteri Den Finlandssvenska Radioteatern, YLE / The Swedish Radio Theatre in Finland
Asiasanat Kuunnelma

Esitykset ulkomailla

Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR), Germany 2001


It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. And it all happened in the future. Ros and Simon are trying to make ends meet in blade-runnerish conditions outside the wall that surrounds what is left of organised society. But they have a dream: to save enough money to bribe their way in. To that end Ros picks up men in a disco and lures them to a secluded spot where Simon with the help of an electronic saw can deprive them of all their bio-cybernetic body parts - a valuable commodity, it seems, in the age of cyberpunk.
One dark night they find an egg-shaped bio-processor in the back of the neck of their last victim (who unfortunately dies during the scuffle preceding its removal). The processor is truly extraordinary, as it allows its wearer to access every human brain within a certain radius. What Simon and Ros do not know is that the dead man is a convicted killer, who has been reprieved for agreeing to have the thing implanted. The processor is only an experimental prototype. And now that it has been stolen, the security forces are very interested in getting it back.
That is only the beginning though. The most horrifying thing about the black egg is, of course, the purpose of the experiment.


Kieli German
Käännöksen nimi Einladung zur Reise
Kääntäjät Klaus-Jürgen Liedtke
Kopioita saatavana WDR, Germany,
Oikeuksien myyjä Finnish Broadcasting Company,
Kieli English
Käännöksen nimi Invitation to the Voyage
Kääntäjät Monica Sonck
Brian Fleming
Kopioita saatavana Finnish Broadcasting Company,
Oikeuksien myyjä Finnish Broadcasting Company,