Putoavia enkeleitä
Alkuperäinen nimi | Putoavia enkeleitä |
Kirjoittajat | Sami Parkkinen Heikki Kujanpää Heikki Huttu-Hiltunen |
Alkuperäiskieli | Finnish |
Kantaesityksen vuosi | 2005 |
Teatteri | Q-teatteri / Q Theatre |
Asiasanat | Puheteatteri |
Falling Angels is a harrowing tale of the lives of the two most brilliant Finnish poets of their time, Aila Meriluoto and Lauri Viita. The Q Theatre found the topic for its 15 th jubilee performance from recent Finnish literary history. A powerful and moving portrayal of love was created.
Aila, a girl from a bourgeois background, falls in love with Lauri, an older family man living in the Pispala neighbourhood of Tampere. Life together is torn with the reality of the everyday and soon clouds up the joyous love-making. The situation turns catastrophic as Lauri sinks deeper into schizophrenia and Aila becomes increasingly anguished. The torrid relationship of the two poets lurches from heaven to hell and back again.
The play is based on Aila Meriluoto's biography called Lauri Viita, a Legend in His Own Lifetime (1974). However, in the programme of the play, director Heikki Kujanpää reminds the audience that the play is purely fictional. "The characters were born for our play subordinate to the laws of drama, not documentation."
Kieli | English |
Käännöksen nimi | Falling Angels |
Kääntäjät | Anselm Hollo |
Oikeuksien myyjä | Nordic Drama Corner Ltd, office(a)dramacorner.fi |