Suomen hevonen

Alkuperäinen nimi Suomen hevonen
Kirjoittajat Sirkku Peltola
Alkuperäiskieli Finnish
Kantaesityksen vuosi 2004
Teatteri KOM-teatteri / KOM Theatre
Asiasanat Puheteatteri

Esitykset ulkomailla

Eesti Dramateater 7.10.2007;
Copenhagen (staged reading) 5.5.2006;
Theatre Centre, Santa Barbara, USA 9.-10.6.2007, reading La Mousson d'été -festival, France 26.8.2008


Sirkku Peltola’s play paints a tragicomic picture of life in the rural EU hinterlands, where the traditional, respected way of life is being crushed under the wheels of dynamic EU bureaucracy. The Finnhorse, a breed the playwright describes as headstrong yet meek, stubborn yet humble, serious, patient and content with poor pasture, symbolises the rural way of life, but the young man in the play, Kai, delivers a blunt verdict on this noble creature; in his opinion it has outlived its usefulness. Kai would rather ride a Harley Davidson – a childish young man’s pie-in-the-sky dream which marks the beginning of the end of the family farm.

Life at the farm is already somewhat chaotic because, despite having gotten divorced over ten years ago, the mistress of the house and her ex-husband still live together as neither of them can afford to buy the other one out. The household also includes an active, cynical granny and a coarse-mouthed teenage daughter who is waiting for her life to acquire some sort of meaning, and the ex-husband’s new girlfriend who visits the house on her bicycle to sleep over and promote spiritual growth.

Peltola’s characters are nearly mad, caricatures almost, but all the same they are recognisable and have plenty meat on their bones. The text is absurdly funny and free flowing. It is easy to see that Peltola is a professional director from the way the dialogue gives space and material for the actors’ own interpretations.

As one of Finland’s leading dramatists, Sirkku Peltola has written plays for many Finnish theatres and won several awards.


Kieli English
Käännöksen nimi The Finnhorse
Kääntäjät Eva Buchwald
Julkaisija Lasipalatsi, Helsinki 2005
Oikeuksien myyjä Agency North Ltd, contact(a)

Kieli Estonian
Käännöksen nimi Soome hobune
Kääntäjät Viive Taro
Ülev Aaloe
Oikeuksien myyjä Agency North Ltd, contact(a)

Kieli French
Käännöksen nimi Le cheval finlandais
Kääntäjät Alexandre André
Julkaisija Éditions Théâtrales
Oikeuksien myyjä Agency North Ltd, contact(a)

Kieli Hungarian
Käännöksen nimi A finn ló
Kääntäjät Ottilia Kovács
Oikeuksien myyjä Agency North Ltd, contact(a)

Kieli Icelandic
Käännöksen nimi Finnski hesturinn
Kääntäjät Sigurður Karlsson
Oikeuksien myyjä Agency North Ltd, contact(a)

Kieli Croatian
Käännöksen nimi Finski konj
Kääntäjät Nenni Delmestre
Oikeuksien myyjä Agency North Ltd, contact(a)

Kieli Czech
Käännöksen nimi Finský kůň
Kääntäjät Alzbeta Stollova
Julkaisija DILIA Agentura,
Oikeuksien myyjä Agency North Ltd, contact(a)

Kieli Swedish
Käännöksen nimi Finsk häst
Kääntäjät Pekka Sonck
Oikeuksien myyjä Agency North Ltd, contact(a)