Suuri toivelaulukirja

Alkuperäinen nimi Suuri toivelaulukirja
Kirjoittajat Anne Koski
Alkuperäiskieli Finnish
Kantaesityksen vuosi 1998
Teatteri Suomen Kansallisteatteri / Finnish National Theatre
Asiasanat Puheteatteri

Esitykset ulkomailla

Staged reading, Scandinavia on Stage conference, New York, USA 2001
Staged reading, Nordic Drama, New York, 2002


Characters: 1 man, 4 women

Suuri toivelaulukirja (Best Loved Songs and Melodies) was the graduation work of Anne Koski at the Theatre Academy. In 1998, the play was awarded the renowned Lea prize annually granted by the Finnish Dramatists' Union to the best national playwright.
Already during her school years, Koski created impressive atmospheres in her plays. Also in this play the atmosphere is significant. It begins with the first meeting after many years of separation between the father, freed after a long prison term, and his grown-up daughter. As the play progresses, father and daughter try to get to know each other, and their reminiscing reveals the cause of the father's prison sentence. He killed his wife because she had had an affair with the daughter's piano teacher. During many years, the daughter shared her father's sense of culpability because she felt she had brought her mother and her teacher together. The personalities are drawn with detail and understanding.
The finesse of the plot lies not in striking elements but in the foremost feeling of redemption and survival that arises from it. The daughter has forgiven her father and convinces the court of justice to acquit him. The father is free, and after their meeting the daughter is also free to go on with her life.


Kieli English
Käännöksen nimi Best Loved Songs and Melodies
Kääntäjät Ritva Poom
Kopioita saatavana Theatre Info Finland (TINFO),, tinfo(a)
Oikeuksien myyjä The Finnish Dramatists' Union,