Raudanluja rakkaus

Alkuperäinen nimi Raudanluja rakkaus
Kirjoittajat Heini Tola
Alkuperäiskieli Finnish
Kantaesityksen vuosi 1999
Teatteri Kuopion kaupunginteatteri / Kuopio Municipal Theatre
Asiasanat Puheteatteri

Esitykset ulkomailla

(staged reading) USA 2001


Characters: 5 female, 5 male + walk-ons

Raudanluja rakkaus is a fiction based on reality. Venny Soldan-Brofeldt's character, the major events of her life, and the relationship of her husband, the Finnish author Juhani Aho with Tilly, Venny's own sister, are real; nevertheless, the thoughts of the characters, what they say and what they do are purely fictive. The play is the universal story of a woman who wants to be an artist, a man who wants to have a good wife together with a sensitive lover, and of a woman who wants to be loved by a married man but also to have a child with him.
Central theme of the play is love: love of men and women, love of art, love of ideals, love of children, love of life. Juhani Aho is the author of this: "No matter who you love, the important thing is to love".The work of Heini Tola underlines the battle that had to lead women in the end of 19th century in order to be an artist. Venny Soldan-Brofeldt was the first female artist in Finland that succeeded in combining artistic career and family life.


Kieli English
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Kopioita saatavana Theatre Info Finland (TINFO), www.tinfo.fi, tinfo(a)tinfo.fi
Oikeuksien myyjä Agency North Ltd, contact(a)agencynorth.com