Jerusalemin tanssi

Alkuperäinen nimi Jerusalemin tanssi
Kirjoittajat Ilpo Tuomarila
Bengt Pohjanen
Alkuperäiskieli Finnish
Kantaesityksen vuosi 1990
Teatteri Oulun kaupunginteatteri / Oulu City Theatre
Asiasanat Puheteatteri


Characters: 15 male, 6 female

In the village Laulumaa, life is hard, love becomes harlotry and the water that is lacking in winter floods the village in summer. After the priest Korpela (according to whom praying doesn’t help) has left the village, people follow the shop owner Martinson and the prophecies of the seer Tyra. In wild orgies involving alcohol, sex and religious fanaticism Martinson makes the villagers build an altar and an arch. But in the end, instead of salvation they are taken to a mental institution or to prison. Their fanaticism has left them poorer than before having neglected their cattle and their lands and with a shame not everyone seems to be facing.


Kieli German
Käännöksen nimi Jerusalems Tanz
Kääntäjät Anu Saari
Kopioita saatavana Finnish Theatre Information Centre, tinfo(at)
Oikeuksien myyjä The Finnish Dramatists' Union,
Kieli Swedish
Käännöksen nimi Jerusalemsdansen
Kopioita saatavana The Finnish Dramatists' Union,
Oikeuksien myyjä The Finnish Dramatists' Union,