Kuolema korjaa univelat
Alkuperäinen nimi | Kuolema korjaa univelat |
Kirjoittajat | Minna Puolanto |
Alkuperäiskieli | Finnish |
Kantaesityksen vuosi | 2010 |
Teatteri | KokoTeatteri |
Asiasanat | Puheteatteri, Monologi |
Esitykset ulkomailla
United Solo -festival, New York, 2014
WoMan Stage -festival, Tiberias, Israel, 2013
Monomaffia Festival, Pärnu, Estonia, 2013
Monobaltija Festival, Kaunas, Lithuania 2012
SLEEPING IS FOR THE DEAD is a tragicomedy of a mom who is needed by her three little children and her husband day and night and never sleeps.
The monologue is about a day in her life. Her exhaustion is full of comedy. Her husband Jaska does his best to support her, but she is unable to accept help from anyone. Despite her exhaustion she wants to take care of everything and keeps on going.
Dungarees, emotions, diapers, times of day and thoughts lose their shape. How is it possible to know it’s Tuesday? Why does the husband get angry, when you put a pacifier in his mouth? How can you remember, whose turn it is to push the button of the elevator today? And what should you do, when you have poured water into the microwave oven's ventilation system?
“Mom loves you all more than anything!”
The performance is physical theatre and includes lots of dance, mime and other physical expression which supports the text. The live music expressing her inside world, other members of the family and the situations in which she finds herself plays also an important role.
Kieli | English (American) |
Käännöksen nimi | Sleeping is for the Dead |
Kääntäjät | Kristian London |
Kopioita saatavana | Minna Puolanto, mpuolanto(a)gmail.com |