Osallistu residenssiverkoston työpajoihin
Keväällä alkanut pohjoismais-baltialainen verkostoyhteistyöhanke Baltic-Nordic Residency Forum järjestää alueen residenssitoimijoille työpajojen sarjan etänä elo-, loka- ja tammikuussa.
Työpajoissa eri taiteen ja luovien alojen residenssitoimijat Virosta, Ruotsista ja Suomesta voivat luoda uusia yhteyksiä toisiinsa ja keskustella yhteisistä kiinnostavista teemoista, keskusteluaiheet on valittu residenssitoimijoiden ehdottamista aiheista.
Ensimmäinen työpaja järjestetään jo ensi keskiviikkona 28.8.2024 klo 16–18 (Suomen aikaa). Aiheena on ”Residencies Engaging with Local Communities”.
Katso alta tarkemmat tiedot ja ilmoittaudu maanantaihin 26.8. mennessä.
Lämpimästi tervetuloa mukaan! Merkitse kalenteriin myös tulevat työpajapäivät lokakuussa ja tammikuussa.
Riikka Suomi-Chande
Suomen Taiteilijaseuran Ateljeesäätiö sr | Finnish Artists’ Studio Foundation
+358 50 4203062
info (a) ateljeesaatio.fi
Members of FAIRE, LOORE, and SWAN Networks are invited to join a series of trilateral online workshops as part of the Baltic-Nordic Residency Forum.
Workshop 1: Residencies Engaging with Local Communities. "People Need People" Session for the Baltic-Nordic Residency Forum
Date & Time: August 28th, 15:00-17:00 CET
Location: Online (A link will be sent upon registration)
Registration Deadline: August 26th. Please register HERE: https://forms.gle/z5ZovBcetvxAjRsG9/
This is the first workshop where members of the residency networks from the three countries can connect online. A total of three workshops are planned, with each network responsible for organizing one. The topics were selected from a range of ideas proposed by network leaders, focusing on urgent issues relevant to all partners.
The goal of these workshops is to enhance communication and information exchange among residency organizers, sparking new ideas, inspiration, and potential collaborations.
Workshop 1 Topic: Residencies Engaging with Local Communities
This topic will be explored through the "People Need People" session, an online adaptation of a Warm Data Lab. This gathering is designed for warm conversations, providing a space to embrace the vitality of life.
In our ever-changing world, we often encounter complex, interwoven challenges that can leave us feeling simultaneously stuck, overwhelmed, and underwhelmed. How do we meet these challenges and create new possibilities together?
Developed by Nora Bateson, the Warm Data practice is designed for groups interested in strengthening their collective ability to learn, perceive, discuss, and understand complex issues.
Facilitators: The session will be led by Illah van Oijen, Evelin Grauen, and other hosts trained by the International Bateson Institute.
For more information on Warm Data practice, visit Warm Data Life.
Upcoming Workshops:
October 29th (Organized by SWAN): Working with Artists in Exile
January (date TBC) (Organized by FAIRE): Funding
The workshops are part of the Baltic-Nordic Residency Forum, supported by short-term network funding from Nordic Culture Point.